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Nick Cave anuncia lançamento de novo álbum com os Bad Seeds. Ouça "Wild God" com a letra!

Música dá título ao disco que sai em agosto


Vagalume|Do R7

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Crédito foto: Instagram @nickcave

Após alguns anos em que se dedicou a outros projetos, Nick Cave voltou a gravar com os Bad Seeds, a banda que, com mudanças na formação, o acompanha há quatro décadas. A se julgar pelo single "Wild God", faixa título do trabalho, os fãs podem esperar um trabalho "á moda antiga" do cantor e compositor, com os músicos se fazendo presentes, ao contrário do que se ouviu nos últimos discos do australiano.

Tanto "Skeleton Tree" (2016), quanto "Ghosteen" (2019) foram marcados por canções mais experimentais e minimalistas que refletiam o estado de espírito do compositor - ele perdeu um filho tragicamente em 2015. Mesmo creditados ao cantor e banda, os álbuns soam diferentes de tudo que Cave já fez em sua carreira.

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Amy Winehouse que estreia em breve teve a música escrita pela dupla.


Ellis, toca vários instrumentos nos Bad Seeds, especialmente teclados, e é o parceiro de Nick na autoria da nova música. "Wild God" será lançado no dia 30 de agosto.



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Veja a letra do single:


Wild God

(Nick Cave, Warren Ellis)

Once upon a time a wild god zoomed

All through his memory

in which he was entombed

It was rape and pillage in the retirement village

But in his mind he was a man of great virtue and courage

And he flew out the window

with his long trailing hair

And the smoke from the bodies

went straight up in the air

He was a wild god searching

for what all wild gods are searching for

And he flew through the dying city

like a prehistoric bird

He went searching for the girl down on Jubilee Street

But she died in a bedset in nineteen-ninety three

So he flew to the top of the world and looked around

And said "Where are my people

where are my people to bring your spirit down"

A wild god searching for a faraway girl

Who was basically a mirage

but nevertheless loomed large

She would hang under the rail

as he blew round the room

And make love with a kind of efficient gloom

And the people on the ground cried

"When does it start? "

And the wild god says

"It starts with a heart, with a heart

with a heart, with a heart"

And the people on the ground cried

"When does it end? "

And the wild god says "Well, it depends

but it mostly never ends"

'Cause I'm a wild god flying

and a wild god swimming

And an old sick god dying

and crying and singing

Bring your spirit down

We're wild gods, baby, we're wild gods

Yeah, bring your spirit down

Well, he's moving through the flames of anarchy

And he's moving through the winds of tyranny

And the sweet, sweet tears of liberty moving round the world

He's moving through your body like a prehistoric bird

He's moving round the world

Oh lord, well, if you're feeling lonely

and if you're feeling blue

And if you just don't know what to do

Bring your spirit down

We're wild gods, baby, we're wild gods

I'm a wild god, baby, I'm a wild god

Oh, here we go, we're going to the cradle of Africa

we're going to Russia, we're going to China

to the United States of America

Moving round the world, yeah

moving like a great big beautiful bird

We're moving round the world, yeah

And he's swimming at the end of the rotting pier

He swims to the end of his rotting idea

swim to the hymn, swim to the prayer

and bring your spirit down

I'm a wild god, baby, I'm a wild god

Well, here we go, yeah, here we go

Sem tradução cadastrada

Fonte: Vagalume


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